Protatek Reference Laboratory (PRL) provides high quality animal health diagnostic testing and services. PRL, a division of ProtaTek International, is considered a leading service provider for the detection of a variety of viral, protozoal, rickettsial, fungal, bacterial, and other animal health diseases.
PRL has been providing customized and exceptional services to veterinarians and researchers for over 15 years. A focus on quality service, rapid results, and in-house expertise distinguishes PRL from other reference laboratories.
PRL clients consist of private veterinary practices, commercial veterinary laboratories, colleges of veterinary medicine, and zoos.
Latest news from Protatek Reference Lab
Welcome to PRL's new facility!
As of Dec. 9, 2013, our address is:
540 W. Iron Ave., Suite 106
Mesa, AZ 85210
PRL Reports Online: Sign up to
obtain verified lab results online. First download a
VADDS password
request form. Fax your completed form to the lab at (480)
545-8409 or email it
prl@pharmgate.com to obtain your user login I.D. and
password. Then use the PRL
Reports Online Log-In button at right to access your reports, anytime of the day or night!